Why Client-Focused Goals Drive Success. (The Worksheet)

Every business needs clients.  But what is something that is even better than clients? Loyal clients.  What makes clients want to come back again and again? The value of current clients Keeping existing clients costs less than finding new ones, so repeat business is a profit driver. But it is more than just that.  Loyal…

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What you don’t know about… Advertising 📺

Advertising… that sounds big, right? Superbowl ads, Billboards, Times Square… In other words: big budgets and big business.  Not really: advertising is for every business, big and small.  To understand more about this often-elusive topic, I spoke with Matt Spett of Rebel Fox, an advertising agency present in Atlanta and Pittsburgh. Communication Matt explains that…

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What you don’t know about… Graphic Design 🎨

Photo by Alice Achterhof on Unsplash

Visual communication is effective, fast, and valuable. This much we established last week.  A fundamental component of any visual communication is design.  But what does that even mean?  Can I download some free graphics, commission, and off-the-shelf logo, and use Papyrus font for all my materials? Sure… I could… but I shouldn’t.  I sat down…

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The fun factor: how to build your customer experience 🥳(5/5)

Benefits aren’t everything: complete your offering with a great customer experience.  I am obliged to eat every single day. Since it is something I must do, I am determined to have fun doing it.  Once your clients are convinced by your benefits, they still have to work with you on it all. Make sure they…

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Give the people what they want: the power of personal benefits 🎁 (2/5)

Humans are rational beings.  But not too much.  Around 95% of our buying decisions happen in the subconscious mind, not the conscious, logical mind, according to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman.  There is a scientific reason: our subconscious mind can process volumes more data than our conscious mind, so while we think we are considering 3-4…

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