Laser Focus, Bigger Profits: The Power of Niche. (The Worksheet)

Unique Value Proposition

Every small business needs management consulting.  But not every small business is a good fit for my management consulting. Much like not every animal with four legs is a cat.  Many small businesses worry about being too specific – too niche – in their market, for fear of losing business to competitors.  To quote the…

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What you now know about… Everything 😀

Your business does not exist in isolation.  You now know some of the most common service providers you’ll work with in your business. Most importantly, you know that working with any service provider always comes down to one thing: That one thing.  Know one thing Your business service provider wants to know one thing: what…

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What you don’t know about… Translation 🔡

Translation is easy these days.  Google Translate can handle it. You’ll get an instantaneous result and you will understand what you’re reading. On the other hand…  We have all had the chance to laugh at a bad translation on a menu.  And as long as it’s just a menu, no big deal. But what if…

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What you don’t know about… Contracts 📜

… all things that are probably on your mind when you go speak to your attorney about your commercial contracts.  And yet, that is not what most disputes are about.  Why legal disputes happen “Most contract disputes revolve around essential business terms such as scope, payment, delivery, and change management”.  So explains Tanya Osensky, of…

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What you don’t know about… everything 🤷

Your business does not exist in isolation.  The needs of a small business take a village… nay, a whole city. Every small business needs a small business service provider to complete its needs.  And they, in turn, need small business service providers, and so on…  The business services you need My role with my small…

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