The magic happens inside the box: innovate to grow your business 🔄(6/6)

Innovation.  The magic, as we have seen, happens inside the box.  Innovation works best when it uses tools already available, allowing adaptation and evolution over time. Just like Shakespeare changed existing words to create new ones, let your business change existing ideas to create new success.  Innovation is internal Your employees are your greatest innovation…

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The formula for creative employees: Set them free ⏯️ (5/6)

The wrong formula: work – eat – sleep – repeat.  The right formula: work – play – entertain – learn – eat – sleep – repeat and not in this order.  As explained by Leah Marone, mental wellness consultant and psychotherapist: Taking time away from work does not just serve as a reset, it also…

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Are you building a culture of innovation in the workplace? 🔣(4/6)

I want all my clients to be great managers. All my clients want to be great managers. And that means that they know the difference between managing and micromanaging. In short: It’s not about being hands-off, but rather finding that sweet spot where your team feels supported, yet challenged to push the boundaries. The boundaries…

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Finding the Force: Continuous Improvement and Meeting Goals 🆕 (1/6)

A critical part of business planning is preparing for things to change. The better you can control that change, the easier it will be. How do you control change? Use a mission statement.  It’s easy to innovate with a great mission statement. Stay on mission A good mission statement guides your employees. It guides their…

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3 must-know essentials to grow your business

Just start

You want to grow your business.  Why else would you be in business if not for some type of growth? After all, growth brings you more than just revenue. It is also about new opportunities, new clients, additional products or services, stronger bargaining power, better talent, and especially: increased value for a future exit.  Growth,…

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