A business plan starts with questions

We have talked about why a business plan is important, and even how to write one in ten minutes. Two ways Tuesday On Your Business is trying to make business planning effective and simple at the same time.  In response to this, many of you have correctly asked: what about the content that goes into…

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The 5 best ways to alienate your clients

Learn from your mistakes, examine your failures, and begin with your blunders.  We all know the importance of doing things incorrectly, as a way to learn to do them correctly. Thomas Edison is credited with saying: “I didn’t fail. I just found 2,000 ways not to make a lightbulb”.  Let’s embrace the value of finding…

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Why you should stop trying to be better

It’s a little bit like trying to be perfect. Trying to be better does not add value.  But wait: doesn’t better mean an improvement? Wouldn’t that automatically add value?  Yes and no.  Better is comparative to a previous version or an outside influence. Value is, remains, will always be, about the client.  Better and best…

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How To Be (and not be) Innovative in Business

Your clients like what you offer. And you want to keep it that way.  But then, suddenly, your competitor metaphorically drives by in a shiny new vehicle with apps and features you had never considered. And now you also want that metaphorical new car.  How not to be innovative So you start developing your product…

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Are you making your brand work for you?

What’s in a brand?  More specifically: what is a brand?  The varied definitions you will find always describe how people know and recognize a company. Whether it is a logo, a slogan, or a design, the visual brand is a symbolic representation of your company.  But humans are complex beings, and to every symbol, we…

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When will your next competitor arrive?

The way other companies compete with you isn’t always about you.  We have already considered replacement competitors, generic competitors, and budget competitors.  What about your direct competitors? And in particular: the new ones that will show up just around the corner? How difficult is it to start your company? Barriers to entry What does the…

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Comparing to the Competition

You have heard me say it before: innovation is about customers, not the competition.  If you are looking at your competitors to decide your next move, you are doing it wrong.  But that doesn’t mean that there is never a reason to look at your competition.  Sometimes you just want to look and compare: so…

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Which piece of the pie are you?

Your client’s desire to buy from you hopefully knows no bounds.  But the thing that does have limits is budget.  Your clients can make more money, or move money around, but there is only a finite and specific amount of it available at any one time.  It is a set pie.  Which piece of that…

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Some people choose the generic option

Let’s be honest with one another: we all want to be the “premium” offer.  When we think of why people buy from us, we are hoping they won’t say “this is the cheap, generic option”.  But then, some buyers do want to buy the generic offer.  What is the difference between our offer and the…

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How will your clients replace you?

Not all competitors are direct competitors. You are not only competing against people whose business cards have the same words as yours does. Your clients could also find a whole new option or direction that eliminates their need to hire you at all.  Understand how you can be replaced.  Replacement competition There are various ways…

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