Innovation happens when you think inside the box: start with the everyday

Innovation happens when you are good at something you do… and then you do it a little bit better.  Innovation matters because it ensures that you are always doing things in the best possible way. “Innovation is about tweaking systems that are already faring well”, according to Business News Daily. It’s the little changes you…

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You only need two things to meet your goals ✌️

Motivation and support.  When you have the motivation to do the thing, and the support to get it done, you have the perfect formula.  Motivation means willingness, but it is more than that. Motivation is also the excitement of doing the thing, it means looking forward to it and being a reliable party.  Support means…

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Did your employees mess up? It’s probably your fault.

Photo by Alice Achterhof on Unsplash

Raise your hand if you ever had a roommate.  Keep your hand up if you ever tried to pour yourself a glass of milk only to discover there were only 8 drops left.  So you tell your roommate to please add milk to the shopping list when they finish it, and your roommate answers: “I…

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An introduction to company culture

It’s not really a “thing”, it’s more of a concept. An abstract we can talk about but not physically build. Right? No that’s not right. Culture is when we put ping pong tables in the office and offer beer on tap and relaxation pods. Right? Is it when I let all my employees work from…

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How to be specific and not too specific at the same time

Tell your employees exactly what is expected of them.  But don’t tell them what to do.  A client recently asked me how to balance these two instructions.  We were building role descriptions and she wanted to know how to be specific enough that people knew what to do but also open enough that she wasn’t…

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The one question that will transform your performance reviews

You can throw company happy hours, host team dinners, buy pinball machines and eliminate job titles all you want.  But once you put an employee in a performance review, there is a strict hierarchy of who reports to whom.  And that hierarchy is what makes it challenging to get good feedback: the employee knows you…

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The formula for happy employees

One of the top three challenges that new employees have is unmet expectations: the job is not what they expected it to be.  That means difficult conversations where they are telling you that they expected something different, and what are you going to do about it. Or even worse: they quit.  One simple fix will…

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Can everyone in your business hear your customers?

Who talks to your clients every day? Is it you? Is it your salespeople? Is it the teams that serve your customers? Who listens to your clients every day?  What customer-centric means Being customer-centric is not just about appreciation gifts, cards on birthdays, and a friendly demeanor.  Being customer-centric means innovating for customers, not against…

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Don’t forget your lesson plan for the office

You remember school, and then school ended and you had some training at work, and then you were the boss, and you started your own business.  At some point that formal “learning” ended.  But is “learning” actually complete? Continuous improvement If you answered yes then you are probably not a regular reader of this blog.…

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What to do when people are bad at their job

The first thing is to tell them.  People miss this one simple step more often than you would imagine.  The test Most managers believe that they are telling their employees what the problems are.  The test happens when you fire that employee: if the employee is surprised the problem was the manager, not the employee. …

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