Feed The Soil, Not The Plant. (The Worksheet)

Having a great place to work makes people want to work there.  –> And when they want to work there, they show up happy.  —-> And when they show up happy, they do great work.  Make your business a great place to work.  And no: Friday pizzas and holiday parties won’t do it. Not on…

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How To Write Goals That Drive Employee Happiness. (The Worksheet)

Business goals are about success and growth. One thing you need to achieve business growth and success is happy employees. Because happy employees are productive employees, and happy employees are effective employees.  Happy employee goals Make sure your business goals, objectives, and aspirations include making your employees happy. It is part of your responsibility as…

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Would you recommend working for you?

Even better: would you want to work for you? I want you to be very careful when you answer this question, and make sure you are thinking of your business as it really is, not as you want it to be. Your employees work in the reality that exists today, tomorrow, and every day. Not…

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How does everybody spend their time?

“I want all my employees to be in the office to Build better camaraderie Brainstorm more Make sure I know what they are doing“ If you’re in point three, where your employees work doesn’t matter. You still don’t know what they are doing.  What are people doing? It’s unlikely that you spend all day standing…

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Why you should stop having performance reviews

The annual performance review.  Every employee’s favorite moment of their favorite day. They prepare for it, they celebrate it, they wait all year or all quarter for this fun, exciting, stimulating moment— Clearly: I am joking.  Nobody likes performance reviews, neither employees nor employers.  So let’s stop doing them.  Let’s have Stay Interviews instead.  What…

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The most important line in your job descriptions

There’s one sentence in your job description that matters the most.  If you were only allowed to share one line from your job description, this would be the line to share.  It’s the line that tells people what to do. And it goes like this: “The purpose of this role is…” A job adds value…

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