Why you should stop trying to be better

It’s a little bit like trying to be perfect. Trying to be better does not add value.  But wait: doesn’t better mean an improvement? Wouldn’t that automatically add value?  Yes and no.  Better is comparative to a previous version or an outside influence. Value is, remains, will always be, about the client.  Better and best…

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The best way to build your client description

What do you want to know about your best customers?  When you are looking for your ideal customers, how do you know who to look for? Demographics are only relevant if they are relevant. And in so many cases, they are not.  What you most want to know about your best customers is not their…

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Hello client, I’d like you to meet my value proposition.

You have your secret ingredient now, and you know why the scrambled eggs you offer your clients are worth going out for.   That is half of your work complete.  Because your restaurant (or whatever service you offer) is only as good as your clients decide it is.  Now, to attract those clients whose favorite flavor…

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Three ways to measure customer satisfaction

“Our customers love us, we have never had a complaint.” Ahem.  The speaker, here, is drawing a rather unscientific conclusion. Just because clients have never complained, does not necessarily mean that they love the service they are getting.  To be able to say “Our customers love us”, collect some empirical evidence using one of the…

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Why you should have a website

Just start

I received my first garlic crusher in my later 30s. Garlic is a common ingredient in my cooking, but I could never purchase a unitasker gadget like a garlic crusher. Then I received one as a gift, proving that thoughtfulness is not about price, and not only do I crush garlic on the regular, I…

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How to stop thinking (and why)

Let’s start with the homework today: write down five things you know to be true about your business. Make them simple sentences, describing 5 facts that you know thanks to your expertise.  A realtor might write down that unexpected repairs are the biggest regret of over 33% of home buyers. A plumber might say that…

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What do your clients do after you leave the room?

There is no fadeout, no ending music, no rolling credits.  After you leave the room, your clients’ lives go on, just like your life goes on.  So what are your clients doing after you leave the room? And why should you care? Nobody wants to buy your product It’s a common refrain on this blog. …

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Why you don’t want to sell quality

Look through the language you use to talk about your business.  Consider your website, your pitches, your business cards, your brochures, the way you introduce yourself at events and in interviews.  Now review all that language asking yourself a single question: what’s the alternative? “Quality” is not a quality message Imagine that you are about…

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Are you making your brand work for you?

What’s in a brand?  More specifically: what is a brand?  The varied definitions you will find always describe how people know and recognize a company. Whether it is a logo, a slogan, or a design, the visual brand is a symbolic representation of your company.  But humans are complex beings, and to every symbol, we…

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How will your clients replace you?

Not all competitors are direct competitors. You are not only competing against people whose business cards have the same words as yours does. Your clients could also find a whole new option or direction that eliminates their need to hire you at all.  Understand how you can be replaced.  Replacement competition There are various ways…

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