Three ways to understand your clients better 🧐 (2/6)

There is only one way to offer a great customer experience: to understand your clients.  I mean really understand them. Not as a general category, or a demographic. Understand them as people and individuals, even when you tackle them as a group.  How do you do that? What does it mean to understand your clients?…

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Customer experience: an essential to grow your business

You want to make your customer happy.  That’s not the same as having happy customers.  It doesn’t matter if your customers are simply happy people (although it’s nice). The important thing is that the actions you take contribute to their happiness. That’s what you want your customer experience to achieve.  What is the customer experience?…

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Audience: part 2 of the 2 sides of business

People purchase your service or product with their money, time, habits, and more. They are your audience.  And the second side of your business.  As mentioned last week, everything you do internally will allow you to delight your audience. This side of your business is not about you anymore. It is all about them.  What…

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The 5 best ways to alienate your clients

Learn from your mistakes, examine your failures, and begin with your blunders.  We all know the importance of doing things incorrectly, as a way to learn to do them correctly. Thomas Edison is credited with saying: “I didn’t fail. I just found 2,000 ways not to make a lightbulb”.  Let’s embrace the value of finding…

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Three things you don’t do, but keep talking about

There are good ways to talk about your business, and there are bad ways to talk about your business.  The good ways make people understand what you do and want to work with you.  The bad ways leave people confused, uninformed, or bored.  The following are three bad ways to talk about your business: while…

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Why your clients will choose you again next time

Your clients have options.  They don’t have to buy from you. They don’t have to choose you. They don’t have to call you.  There are plenty of other people and businesses that will gladly take their calls.  What can you do to make sure you are their first phone call time after time after time…

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The best way to build your client description

What do you want to know about your best customers?  When you are looking for your ideal customers, how do you know who to look for? Demographics are only relevant if they are relevant. And in so many cases, they are not.  What you most want to know about your best customers is not their…

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Three ways to measure customer satisfaction

“Our customers love us, we have never had a complaint.” Ahem.  The speaker, here, is drawing a rather unscientific conclusion. Just because clients have never complained, does not necessarily mean that they love the service they are getting.  To be able to say “Our customers love us”, collect some empirical evidence using one of the…

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