Feed The Soil, Not The Plant. (The Worksheet)

Having a great place to work makes people want to work there.  –> And when they want to work there, they show up happy.  —-> And when they show up happy, they do great work.  Make your business a great place to work.  And no: Friday pizzas and holiday parties won’t do it. Not on…

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How To Write Goals That Drive Employee Happiness. (The Worksheet)

Business goals are about success and growth. One thing you need to achieve business growth and success is happy employees. Because happy employees are productive employees, and happy employees are effective employees.  Happy employee goals Make sure your business goals, objectives, and aspirations include making your employees happy. It is part of your responsibility as…

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What you now know about… Everything 😀

Your business does not exist in isolation.  You now know some of the most common service providers you’ll work with in your business. Most importantly, you know that working with any service provider always comes down to one thing: That one thing.  Know one thing Your business service provider wants to know one thing: what…

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What you don’t know about… Employee Morale 😤

“How do I know what my employees are doing all day?” Step 1: good KPIs. Instead of tracking their desk time, track their results. But productivity isn’t the only consideration here.  Employee engagement and happiness can be reflected in how they spend their time at work. I spoke to Tess Gamble, founder of the concierge…

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What you still don’t know about… Contracts 🗂️

A few weeks ago we found that the scope of your work is the most important thing in your contracts. In a conversation following that post, a new question arose: once I’ve written one contract, I can copy and paste my scope into all the standard templates, right? Wrong.  “Contracts are not all the same,…

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What you don’t know about… Contracts 📜

… all things that are probably on your mind when you go speak to your attorney about your commercial contracts.  And yet, that is not what most disputes are about.  Why legal disputes happen “Most contract disputes revolve around essential business terms such as scope, payment, delivery, and change management”.  So explains Tanya Osensky, of…

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What you don’t know about… everything 🤷

Your business does not exist in isolation.  The needs of a small business take a village… nay, a whole city. Every small business needs a small business service provider to complete its needs.  And they, in turn, need small business service providers, and so on…  The business services you need My role with my small…

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It’s much more than a logo: Branding ABCs (or act, be, see) (4/8) 🎨

We have talked about your competitive positioning and how important that is to your brand.  We have talked about your company culture and how important that is to your brand.  It’s time to talk about “brand”: what is branding, after all? To answer that question, I would like to thank the wonderful Kriston Sellier, founder…

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