How to give the people what they want: hr edition

“Organizations… are nothing more than the collective goodwill and aspirations of the people involved”. – Sergio Marchionne As a business owner, you are responsible for the collective goodwill, you are the vehicle for people to achieve those aspirations. You are, in short, responsible for a positive working environment.  The workforce solutions company ManpowerGroup did the…

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The single best business tool you can ever use

Adapt tools to your needs, not your needs to the tools.  When you turn to the tools, start with the best one. The one tool that will solve problems and get you started on every project. The tool from which any other tool can be built.  A list.  Why lists are the single best business…

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Stop punishing your best employees (😕yes you are)

Much like children or grandchildren: of course, you don’t have a favorite employee.  You support them all equally and appreciate each one for their individual skills and talents.  Now that we have established that, let’s look at how you are punishing your favorite employees.  Who is your best employee There is somebody who is always…

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How to hire all the worst people

Only hire people you’d want to go out and have a drink with.  Only hire people you wouldn’t spend time with when you’re not at work.  Always hire the smartest guy in the room.  Never hire the guy who has all the answers.  Hire people just like you.  Hire people nothing like you.  All of…

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Why your business doesn’t “run itself”

Because it is not alive.  Your business isn’t even a real thing. It’s just an idea.  Once people act on that idea and start doing the work, it moves from idea to business. It becomes a “thing”. A business needs people There are many articles written about how to create a business that runs itself. …

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Do your employees understand what you are saying?

Businesses spend time and resources learning how to speak to clients.  You do this through your copywriters, website designers, and messaging experts, all to make sure that your message is truly connecting.  Now look inward: are you also connecting with your employees? Are they hearing the things you truly want them to hear? The good…

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You only need two things to meet your goals ✌️

Motivation and support.  When you have the motivation to do the thing, and the support to get it done, you have the perfect formula.  Motivation means willingness, but it is more than that. Motivation is also the excitement of doing the thing, it means looking forward to it and being a reliable party.  Support means…

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How to be a good leader: (hint: know when you should follow 😉)

One way in which people demonstrate leadership is by knowing when to be followers.  This was a lesson I picked up recently from listening to the McKay Interview podcast episode with Dr. Cynthia Cherrey and Professor Mike Hardy.   (If you want to both feel and be smarter, spend some time with The McKay Interview).  A…

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The risks of bad management

Last week we established that management is happening in your business right now, tomorrow, and every day, whether you acknowledge it or not.  This also means that somebody is managing the business, whether they acknowledge it or not.  And that someone is probably you.  But what happens when you don’t acknowledge it? Does any of…

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The quick & easy definition of management

And does a business really need it? “Management” and “managers”? Yes and no.  A business can choose to ignore the word and all its derivations. But the truth is that “management” is happening anyway, whether intentional or not. So you may as well make it good.  What does it mean The problem with asking questions…

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