Posts Tagged ‘business process’
3 must-know essentials to grow your business
You want to grow your business. Why else would you be in business if not for some type of growth? After all, growth brings you more than just revenue. It is also about new opportunities, new clients, additional products or services, stronger bargaining power, better talent, and especially: increased value for a future exit. Growth,…
Read MoreOperations: part 1 of the 2 sides of business
Because I like numbers, or because I like lists, or maybe because it was lunchtime and I was hungry, I recently came across this 2020 article about the two sides of business. (The PB&J image showed up first). Mainly I like business to be simple. A two-sided object is pretty simple. What are operations I…
Read MoreProductivity & Profit: why delegating is good for your business
Delegating. It sounds so simple. You’re too busy, you ask somebody else to do some of the work you are doing, and now you are less busy and everything is getting done. But delegation is much more than that. Delegation is business management: it is an important part of business decision-making and is necessary for…
Read MoreHow does everybody spend their time?
“I want all my employees to be in the office to Build better camaraderie Brainstorm more Make sure I know what they are doing“ If you’re in point three, where your employees work doesn’t matter. You still don’t know what they are doing. What are people doing? It’s unlikely that you spend all day standing…
Read MoreThe historical lens of lessons learned
One of the challenges of studying history, classics, and the past, is knowing how to read stories through the right lens: is it ours, or is it the lens of the time? Do you know how this comes up in business? In your Lessons Learned. Lessons Learned After a major project or process update, you…
Read MoreThe best lessons are the ones we learn
There’s nothing wrong with things going wrong in business. Do you remember Apple’s first hand-held device, the Newton? No? That’s ok, neither does anybody else. Managerially the company did everything right and yet the product was a huge flop. But the brand didn’t disappear, and 13 years later they launched the iPhone, which quickly set…
Read MoreInnovation happens when you think inside the box: start with the everyday
Innovation happens when you are good at something you do… and then you do it a little bit better. Innovation matters because it ensures that you are always doing things in the best possible way. “Innovation is about tweaking systems that are already faring well”, according to Business News Daily. It’s the little changes you…
Read MoreBuying software is not a business goal
When you want to build a table, you know it’s not enough to buy a hammer. When you want to make pizza, you know it’s not enough to buy a pizza stone. You know that buying the tools is not the same as creating the thing. And yet so often, when people want to build…
Read MoreThe risks of bad management
Last week we established that management is happening in your business right now, tomorrow, and every day, whether you acknowledge it or not. This also means that somebody is managing the business, whether they acknowledge it or not. And that someone is probably you. But what happens when you don’t acknowledge it? Does any of…
Read MoreThe workflow checklist: make it work for you
Knowing what to do is half the battle. The other half is doing it well. Consider cooking a new recipe. You have to know what the ingredients are, how they should be prepped, and then each step in the cooking process and how to tell when it is time for the next ingredient. That takes…
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