There’s No Such Thing as a Vegetable Lasagna

Lasagna – a quintessential dish of the Italian cuisine. Originally from the Emilia Romagna region, which is really the home of pasta. It includes all the best of the regional cuisine: tasty pasta, creamy bechamel sauce, and flavorful ragú bolognese. This last is a meat sauce. With so many elements it is typical to find…

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The Right Way to Build Process

Words you will have read multiple times on this blog are: “there is no single right way, but the are many wrong ways”. Process mapping and building is no different. Below are key facts to consider when building a process to make it effective as well as malleable to environmental change. To, in other words,…

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It’s Time to Start Enjoying Business Process

I mean… what’s not to enjoy? Building a process that begins at point A, understands the arrival point B, and connects all those dots with effective steps and outcomes is actually the sort of thing I might do for fun. But then, that’s why I am in this job and my clients are in theirs,…

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How I work – Differentiation

Differentiation in business is what makes one company more attractive than another. The simplest differentiation is price, but it is also the weakest, because nobody wins in a price war. A media company client of mine was losing business to a more established, well known brand. I had the owner do an exercise to describe…

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New Year’s Habits

New year’s resolutions are list items we can start to forget by about mid-February. New year’s goals are targets we can miss and return to for the first six months of the year. New year’s habits, however, are a structured approach to building lasting change. It’s about change The point of these resolutions is to…

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Starting With Tools

Is there ever an end to new gadgets, software and new trendy methods being touted as the next great thing? Probably not. So you may as well get used to new fads being thrown your way all the time. If you try them all, you would get nothing else done. If you ignore them, you…

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Train Like You Are in Second

I have seen this expression altered slightly to “Train like you’re sponsored by Nike”. Both are good bits of advice. Always Be Learning An Athlete will benefit from continuous training, and a business leader is no different. The first part of this quote is “play like you are in first”. Whether or not you are…

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When your Success Hurts You

Things are going well! Your business is growing, your clients are happy, finances are all comfortably in the black and your employees all have smiles on their faces. You can now relax and simply enjoy a job well done. Let the systems run themselves since whatever they are doing, seems to be working. Or. You…

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Your mind is a Factory

Your mind was meant to be a factory, not a warehouse. – Mike Vardy   Mike Vardy is a productivity expert who writes at And this quote reminds me of David Allen’s Getting Things Done, where one of the things that stuck out to me is the emphasis Allen puts on not trying to…

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