Your Number One Priority in Business

On a recent flight, I finally paid attention to the welcome message telling me that my (and my fellow passengers’) safety was the airlines number one priority.
Wait a second, I thought. Then how will you get me to destination?
We all know that in many forms of transport, the safest option is usually to do nothing. But if we don’t take off then I will never arrive and I will feel cheated in having paid the plane ticket.
Surely, bringing us all from point A to point B is the airline’s number one priority.
Doing it safely is one of their guiding principles. It is a how to the their what and why.
What is a priority
Safety is extremely important to me, as it is, I suppose, to most airline passengers. Also important are receiving a drink and snack during the flight, easy boarding and alighting, in-flight wifi, friendly staff, and a myriad of other things.
See, I am paying the airline to get me to a destination more quickly and easily than other options allow. I then expect them to do all this with a certain level of service, which includes considerations for my physical safety.
None of these cancel out the others, and though some are more important than others, it is possible to expect all of them.
What is your priority
As a business owner? Your priority is your business.
Note, I didn’t say your clients, your employees, your investors, or your product.
I said your business.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”BEqoH” via=”no” ]As a business owner? Your priority is your business. Note, I didn’t say your clients, your employees, your investors, or your product. I said your business. [/ctt]
Everything else will follow
Another thing I did not say is: money.
Your business is not about a quick buck at any cost.
It is about solving problems now and for the long term, and in doing so, making the world a better place, one client at a time.
On this blog I write regularly about know what you solve rather than what you sell. If you focus on always solving that (and related) problem in the best ways possible, your business will innovate and grow.
This will serve your clients, because it is in your business interest to not just serve them well, but also adapt as their needs change and grow.
It will serve your employees, because a sound business is one with a good working environment, happy clients and solid leadership. These efforts for longevity will make it a place people want to work.
It will serve your investors because of all of the above.
And it will serve your product, because your business needs to evolve to stay current, so your focus on service will keep you innovating to client needs.
Stay focused on your priority
Do what is good for your business, and will you be doing what is good for all your stakeholders as well.