Why You Have To Always Sell Three Things

What you do is all about customer context, how you sell is all about customer buying habits.  But at some point: you do have to talk about yourself.  Once your prospects are moving through that buyer’s journey, they will want to know what to expect when working with you.  They already know – at least…

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Find out what your clients fear

All of your clients want something.  All of your clients need something too.  And all of your clients also fear something.  They may talk about it, ignore it, or not even have thought about it yet. Still, they know that every decision they make involves some risk.  What are the risks Every decision carries risk. …

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How to describe the technical benefits of your service

Your clients want to know what’s in it for them when they buy from you.  They want to know the benefits of using your service.  Note the plural use of the word: there are always multiple benefits and as a business owner or leader, you must know what they are.  Last time (link above) we…

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How to use WIIFM (what’s in it for them)

Trust your customers to know what they want.  And when you sell to other businesses, those are mainly business-related achievements.  But businesses are still run by people, and people are ultimately driven by the WIIFM urge.  Saying “what’s in it for me” conjured too many negative stereotypes, so allow me to debunk this impression right…

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What are your clients thinking about when they buy from you

The answer is: it’s not about you.  So how do your customers buy? Deciding to buy something means knowing that choice is the best option; using the money there instead of somewhere else, hoping it will be a long-term solution, considering what else has to change to accept this new product and more.  The better…

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The Proactive Buyer

Your clients find you in different ways and for different reasons.  Sometimes they have an urgent need for your service, sometimes a friend recommends you, sometimes they just happen across your website, and sometimes it is something you said.  The more you know about your audience’s buying triggers — in other words, what prompts them to make…

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Choose your Clients

Your Ideal Client – as we determined in last week’s post – needs exactly the solution you provide. (Their need matches your service).  That post covers half of the matter… ok, maybe ¾ of it… the point is: it focuses only on the client.  But let’s face it: you have to serve the client. You…

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Objections Make Good Questions

I have said it before and will say it again: Objections, in sales, are an opportunity for a conversation. When a prospect raises an objection, she is telling you something about what she needs. And that is an opportunity to ask more questions and continue the conversation. The Objection Conversation In a previous post I…

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Educational Sales

“What should I do with this email list?” Not an uncommon question, and there are numerous strategies and tactics you can employ to make the most of your email list. But before you design your cadence, you must determine your governing strategy, which is more about your business than it is about your email list.…

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B2B Sales – Selling to Enterprise

A recent project I had included writing a sales strategy for a company that sold an outsourced business service to larger business clients. In other words: B2B service sales. The trick was: their target clients were companies who did not currently have this function in house. Hence their need to buy an outsourced solution. Many…

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