Do you know what you are selling?

Nobody goes to a restaurant for scrambled eggs.  It is both easier and faster to make scrambled eggs at home.  People go to a restaurant for everything else: the atmosphere, the service, not having to do the dishes.  Chances are: your profession has a DIY option too.  What makes the difference to buyers between DIY…

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Three ways to measure customer satisfaction

“Our customers love us, we have never had a complaint.” Ahem.  The speaker, here, is drawing a rather unscientific conclusion. Just because clients have never complained, does not necessarily mean that they love the service they are getting.  To be able to say “Our customers love us”, collect some empirical evidence using one of the…

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Fix your marketing: add your brand

Pretend, for a moment, that you are in the business of pens.  Now pretend that you are planning your marketing efforts for your pens.  And you come up with the message you want to get out there: We sell pens With that message, what makes somebody buy your pens rather than somebody else’s? Price, proximity,…

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What do your clients do after you leave the room?

There is no fadeout, no ending music, no rolling credits.  After you leave the room, your clients’ lives go on, just like your life goes on.  So what are your clients doing after you leave the room? And why should you care? Nobody wants to buy your product It’s a common refrain on this blog. …

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How easy is it to buy from you?

It was a fine, sunny day, warm with a breeze, and perfect for spending time outdoors.  The coffee carts were lined up along the street, right outside the park. The hero of our story decided to approach one such cart and order himself a coffee to drink while he worked outdoors for a bit.  He…

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New Course Certifications

I am delighted to have received additional certification approvals for my courses on CPDFormula, a Canadian based platform for CPA training. You can now receive CPA and HR certification credits while you learn about: How to run better meetings How to make business decisions How to create an excellent customer service experience

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Why it is time to stop selling

There is no money in sales.  No, really.  Think about it: you can sell, and sell, and sell. But at what point do you actually make money? When somebody else buys.  The money is in the action of buying, not the action of selling.  Before you build a sales plan, understand how your clients buy. …

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Best of 2020

That’s right: this is a summary post.  The best of the year from my blog posts, YouTube videos, and products.  Blog Posts The four most popular posts of the year touch on all the main topics: keeping happy and productive employees, trusting your clients, (not) offering discounts, and, of course, remote working.  The only two…

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How to use WIIFM (what’s in it for them)

Trust your customers to know what they want.  And when you sell to other businesses, those are mainly business-related achievements.  But businesses are still run by people, and people are ultimately driven by the WIIFM urge.  Saying “what’s in it for me” conjured too many negative stereotypes, so allow me to debunk this impression right…

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