It’s Time To Deliver: the Official Meeting of Brand and Value (7/8)🎁

All of the best branding, values, and employees, will eventually come together in your final product. 

What you do for the client. 

How you improve your client’s life. 

You explain all that in your value proposition.

If your brand is the promise you make, your value proposition is the product you offer. 

Value proposition

Value propositions explain how you make your clients’ lives easier.

Because nobody wants to hire an attorney, or a landscaper, or a tutor. They want to have a strong contract, or a beautiful garden, or pass that exam. 

When people hire you, what are they truly buying? 

Promise + Product

When people hire you, they have chosen you over the many others who offer what you do. And over legalzoom and a lawnmower and a textbook. 

Help them make that choice by using both your promise and your product: both your brand and your value proposition. 

Sell the store

Everything your brand represents and promises, the experience of working with you, and the design of your “store”. 

Sell the product

The value you offer above and beyond a lawnmower (or the equivalent for your business). 

Where brand meets value

Your value proposition is part of what makes you unique. 

Your brand is all about what makes you unique. 

Use them together. 

What next

Is your value proposition “peace of mind”? If it is, let’s talk!