Operations: part 1 of the 2 sides of business

Because I like numbers, or because I like lists, or maybe because it was lunchtime and I was hungry, I recently came across this 2020 article about the two sides of business. (The PB&J image showed up first).  Mainly I like business to be simple. A two-sided object is pretty simple. What are operations I…

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Are you achieving all of your goals on time?

The next question is: does it matter? What’s most important to you when it comes to achieving your goals? Meeting a deadline Checking a “completed” box Creating new value in your business You probably know where I am going with this: goals aren’t about dates and times.  Goals add value to your business.  What has…

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The most important line in your job descriptions

There’s one sentence in your job description that matters the most.  If you were only allowed to share one line from your job description, this would be the line to share.  It’s the line that tells people what to do. And it goes like this: “The purpose of this role is…” A job adds value…

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A business plan starts with questions

We have talked about why a business plan is important, and even how to write one in ten minutes. Two ways Tuesday On Your Business is trying to make business planning effective and simple at the same time.  In response to this, many of you have correctly asked: what about the content that goes into…

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Innovation happens when you think inside the box: start with the everyday

Innovation happens when you are good at something you do… and then you do it a little bit better.  Innovation matters because it ensures that you are always doing things in the best possible way. “Innovation is about tweaking systems that are already faring well”, according to Business News Daily. It’s the little changes you…

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The single best business tool you can ever use

Adapt tools to your needs, not your needs to the tools.  When you turn to the tools, start with the best one. The one tool that will solve problems and get you started on every project. The tool from which any other tool can be built.  A list.  Why lists are the single best business…

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Why does a small business need a business plan?

…  It’s just that… It seems like a lot of work. Especially for a small business.  To spend all this time writing out a detailed plan for the next five years when you can’t even predict the next 5 months, let alone stop working for 2 weeks to complete a plan that will live at…

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