Why Client-Focused Goals Drive Success. (The Worksheet)

Every business needs clients.  But what is something that is even better than clients? Loyal clients.  What makes clients want to come back again and again? The value of current clients Keeping existing clients costs less than finding new ones, so repeat business is a profit driver. But it is more than just that.  Loyal…

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What you don’t know about… Marketing 🧮 

Marketing can feel like a guessing game, a mixture of magic and luck. But that feeling is wrong.  When done right, marketing is highly planned and equally measurable.  Marketing is data To learn more I spoke to Marc Apple, founder of the digital marketing agency Forward Push.  Marketing is all about tracking data. But which…

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What you don’t know about… Advertising 📺

Advertising… that sounds big, right? Superbowl ads, Billboards, Times Square… In other words: big budgets and big business.  Not really: advertising is for every business, big and small.  To understand more about this often-elusive topic, I spoke with Matt Spett of Rebel Fox, an advertising agency present in Atlanta and Pittsburgh. Communication Matt explains that…

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What you don’t know about… Storytelling 📖

Over the last couple of weeks, we learned about how powerful visuals are in conveying information.  On the other hand: what information are we conveying?  Small businesses want to talk about what they do and how they do it, but is that what people want to hear?  Let’s find out from the expert: Anita Henderson,…

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What you don’t know about… Translation 🔡

Translation is easy these days.  Google Translate can handle it. You’ll get an instantaneous result and you will understand what you’re reading. On the other hand…  We have all had the chance to laugh at a bad translation on a menu.  And as long as it’s just a menu, no big deal. But what if…

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What you don’t know about… Online Presence 🖥️

Just start

Pretend you own a store.  And your business runs from that store.  After you get a space, you put your name on the door, and then you go work from home. It seems like a huge waste of resources, right? If you’re not actively managing your online presence, you’re doing just that. I learned this…

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Speak Like a Pro: Turn Technical Jargon into Tangible Benefits 🛠️ (4/5)

Photo by Alice Achterhof on Unsplash

You can make a client’s life better, you can make a client’s business better, but don’t forget to also make their work better.  Use your technical skills to ease their day-to-day efforts. It’s how you solve problems they can’t solve themselves.  These are your technical benefits.  Technical benefits It’s all about how you’re different from…

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