Start New Habits Today

Goals, Success, and Growth don’t come about with plans alone: they require good habits. Habits — or behaviors — that produce the right results.  But habits, we all know, are hard to break. This means they are also hard to form: for every new habit we must break an old one.  Here are a few…

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Cultural Hiring Risks

Learn the Lessons

Last week we discussed the risks associated with making hiring decisions based exclusively on company culture.  If your business lacks a diversity of ability and thought, it will struggle to grow and develop.  This week, let’s dive into a few of these risks to see them in action.  Skills diversity You will always need people…

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Strategy – (Not) Using A Template

R G Brizi Business Consulting

The most challenging part of planning in business is reviewing our own assumptions.  We take a lot for granted about our business and we struggle to examine our situations in detail or see them from new points of view.  This is human.  What is a business leader to do? Templates to the rescue: something with…

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How To Find KPIs

Learn the Lessons

Here is an excerpt from written notes I sent a client (shared, of course, with permission).  “As we refocus on growth, I am working to get a list of KPIs we need to track. What are the numbers that will show our growth?” It’s not about the KPIs… Don’t start with the KPIs: start with…

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What is a meeting

I would never write about what a thing is not, without clarifying what the thing is. Meetings are where information goes to grow.  Bringing two or more minds together is about producing a new idea that one mind on its own would not be able to create.  At the end of every meeting, each participant…

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When People Are The Problem

When I write about your team and employees, I talk about them as one of your greatest assets, and I focus on how to set them up for success. But that is not always how it goes, and I recently had a question from a concerned client asking what to do when an employee just,…

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Better Time Management: Schedule What’s Important

It makes me flinch a little every time: somebody powers up a computer, opens their calendar and suddenly it’s notification chaos. There are overlapping commitments, at least seven different colors for different event types, and event titles that say little or nothing… “meet with Pete”, … “Design”, … And yet: those are the people who…

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Management versus Leadership

There is plenty of talk about management versus leadership, often pitting the two in opposition to one another. Generally the contrast is based on a leader being focused on inspiration, and a manager being focused on activities. I agree with these assessments, but I also believe both are necessary in a well-run company. Leaders and…

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Reading Room – Agile Process

It is everywhere, both praised and maligned but never ignorable. Agile. You may have heard of it in the technology sphere, as in Agile Development, and perhaps also in the business sphere as the methodology permeates all part of business management. To close off my series on process, it is worth addressing Agile as the…

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