What you don’t know about… Websites 👨🏻‍💻

Just start

“Everybody who comes to a website has a task.”

Wise words from Jason Wade, founder of Sitetrustee, offering website management.

A business website isn’t for leisurely browsing. Business websites are designed to help people accomplish something.

It is your job to make that accomplishment easy. 

What is a website about 

Every website is about that task. 

And that task is about the website visitor. 

“When a person goes to the website they have something they need: information, a product, an answer to a question, etc.”

To design your website, you have to know what all the intentions are, and what all the desired outcomes are.

Who is a website about

This makes the second point imperative: a website is about the visitor, not the business whose logo is in the upper left corner. 

But it is easy to forget this. 

“Too many website owners think about what they want to say, not what information the visitor is looking for”. 

When planning your website, put yourself in the visitor’s shoes. 

Why are they coming here?

“The website isn’t about the organization, it’s about how the organization can help the visitor”.

What about your website

Plan a website that solves visitor’s problems and answers their questions. 


“Figure out what the objectives are for your website”, and figure out “why you want or need it”. 

Then build a website that fulfills your needs and, most importantly, your visitors’ needs. 

What next

But what are your business objectives? That’s the right place to start, call me to work on an operational plan that will give you all your business basics.