Consistency Drives Customer Satisfaction: Service And Loyalty (The Worksheet)

You’re at a concert, eagerly awaiting your favorite band to take the stage. 

You know every word to every song, yet you still feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. Why? 

Because even though the experience is familiar, it’s still incredibly satisfying to hear it again. 

The same is true in customer experience. 

What customers crave is a consistent, predictable experience. They want to know what to expect, and they want to be comfortable with it.

Why promote consistency

You never want your clients to feel insecure and confused. 

When customers know what to expect, they feel more confident and in control.

You are making it easier for them to interact with your business. And the easier it is, the more likely they are to return and recommend your business to others.

How to promote consistency

You need to know two things:

  1. Exactly what has to happen for you to deliver your service, and
  2. Exactly what your customers have to do and give you to receive your service.

You have to understand your customers’ journey from their perspective. And then share it with them, so they have full visibility of what is going to happen. 

Build your customer experience roadmap

Use this week’s worksheet to list everything you do for a customer and then the corresponding actions they have to take at each stage. 

Share your customer experience roadmap with your customers. Tell them what to expect in their interactions with your business.

What next

A Customer Experience roadmap needs to fit into your strategy. Contact me for a full strategic plan including business process, business values, and business goals.