Empower Your Employees To Change: Change Communication Checklist. (The Worksheet)

The premise of the movie Frozen is to end a perpetual winter. 

Nobody is more excited about this than Olaf the snowman, who dreams of experiencing summer and sings a song of joy as others stand around whispering, “Somebody ought to tell him.”. 

Don’t make your employees a live-action Olaf. 

Do they understand what?

Businesses don’t change. 

People change. 

To change how things are done, you need to change how people work.

And for people to do things differently they have to change their habits. 

Do they understand why?

Explain the change to your employees, and explain why it is happening. 

Most importantly, explain how it makes their life better

The changes have to be meaningful to your employees. 

Give them a good reason, and let them take ownership of how they’re going to change.

Let them tell you how

You and your employee will interact with this week’s worksheet.

Prepare an explanation of the change and why it is happening, and then allow each person to fill in the box explaining what they will do to bring about that change. 

Why do most new year’s resolutions fail? It’s because they are about goals, not about habits. 

You share the goals, let your people manage their own habits. 

What next

Need to prepare a change management announcement for your team? Let’s talk about a planning session and a presentation to gather feedback from employees. 

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