Loyal Customers
Features Or Benefits
What is the difference? Which is more important? How much does it matter? At some point - maybe working on your website, or hiring your first marketing agency, or responding to a client request - you have been confronted with the battle between features and benefits. And perhaps a debate about which one is more…
Read MoreThe Reviewing Buyer
Each buyer is inspired in a different way. When buyers come to you, they will talk to you about your own services and try to use your language. But by asking the right questions, you can understand what has really brought them to your door. Understanding their journey to get to you will allow you…
Read MoreThe Proactive Buyer
Your clients find you in different ways and for different reasons. Sometimes they have an urgent need for your service, sometimes a friend recommends you, sometimes they just happen across your website, and sometimes it is something you said. The more you know about your audience’s buying triggers — in other words, what prompts them to make…
Read MoreFive Sales Truths To Have Loyal Clients
We are all sales people. Not according to our job titles or our job descriptions. But the reality is: we all have to be finding and bringing new clients to our businesses. Whether you are the business owner or sales person specifically, if you play any role in developing new business, these five truths apply…
Read MoreSelling Peace of Mind
A comment I have heard in at least four different conversations over the past couple of months: “I sell peace of mind”. The four people who said this were: an attorney, a beauty salon owner, an auto mechanic, and a doggy day care owner. But they all sell the same thing… or do they? What…
Read MoreBe The Best Option – A Case Study
People have options. The content in this blog is about finding ways to always be the best option. To be the best option, you must be targeting the right clients and then solving their particular problems. I saw this happen recently with a CPA firm. The problem They were serving anyone. Everybody needs to file…
Read MoreChoose your Clients
Your Ideal Client – as we determined in last week’s post – needs exactly the solution you provide. (Their need matches your service). That post covers half of the matter… ok, maybe ¾ of it… the point is: it focuses only on the client. But let’s face it: you have to serve the client. You…
Read MoreYour Ideal Client
Might have red hair, or be a company with fifty employees, or drive a Honda. Your ideal client might have a certain job title, be in a particular marital status, have a particular responsibility. Different companies and products will have different essentials to describe their ideal clients. Each list of “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves” will be…
Read MoreObjections Make Good Questions
I have said it before and will say it again: Objections, in sales, are an opportunity for a conversation. When a prospect raises an objection, she is telling you something about what she needs. And that is an opportunity to ask more questions and continue the conversation. The Objection Conversation In a previous post I…
Read MoreEducational Sales
“What should I do with this email list?” Not an uncommon question, and there are numerous strategies and tactics you can employ to make the most of your email list. But before you design your cadence, you must determine your governing strategy, which is more about your business than it is about your email list.…
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