Loyal Customers
Why PR Loves a Happy Home: Strong Branding and Culture (8/8) 🔊
A strong brand, a great culture, wonderful people, and offering true value are all vital. And so is telling the world. Especially now that you have so much to share. Enter messaging. And to learn more about that, I spoke to the founder of SowGrow PR, the always insightful Stephanie Richards. What messaging is Where…
Read MoreIt’s Time To Deliver: the Official Meeting of Brand and Value (7/8)🎁
All of the best branding, values, and employees, will eventually come together in your final product. What you do for the client. How you improve your client’s life. You explain all that in your value proposition. If your brand is the promise you make, your value proposition is the product you offer. Value proposition Value…
Read MoreIt’s much more than a logo: Branding ABCs (or act, be, see) (4/8) 🎨
We have talked about your competitive positioning and how important that is to your brand. We have talked about your company culture and how important that is to your brand. It’s time to talk about “brand”: what is branding, after all? To answer that question, I would like to thank the wonderful Kriston Sellier, founder…
Read MoreBranding from Within: The Reasons of Mission and Values(3/8) 🎇
We all agree that your business has a brand. And we all agree that your brand must reflect your culture. So… what is your culture? It is not enough to say “good”, “bad”, “friendly”, or “serious”. If you want your brand to be a true reflection of your culture, you have to define it clearly. …
Read MoreCompetitive positioning: the formula to control the things you can’t control (2/8) 🕹️
There are a lot of people out there. And a lot of businesses. And a lot of businesses say they offer what you offer. And you can’t control any of it. It’s up to you to make your business stand out among all these other competitors. That’s why you want a solid brand. Your position…
Read MoreThe fun factor: how to build your customer experience 🥳(5/5)
Benefits aren’t everything: complete your offering with a great customer experience. I am obliged to eat every single day. Since it is something I must do, I am determined to have fun doing it. Once your clients are convinced by your benefits, they still have to work with you on it all. Make sure they…
Read MoreSpeak Like a Pro: Turn Technical Jargon into Tangible Benefits 🛠️ (4/5)
You can make a client’s life better, you can make a client’s business better, but don’t forget to also make their work better. Use your technical skills to ease their day-to-day efforts. It’s how you solve problems they can’t solve themselves. These are your technical benefits. Technical benefits It’s all about how you’re different from…
Read MoreYou’ve got the brains, I’ve got the tools: let’s make lots of money 🤑 (3/5)
(Here’s hoping you read that with the Pet Shop Boys tune in your head) Businesses have to make money. But not for the sake of making money. It’s money that makes a business survive, grow, and develop. The article we are referencing lists two money-related benefits you must offer: Other benefits can’t happen without these…
Read MoreGive the people what they want: the power of personal benefits 🎁 (2/5)
Humans are rational beings. But not too much. Around 95% of our buying decisions happen in the subconscious mind, not the conscious, logical mind, according to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman. There is a scientific reason: our subconscious mind can process volumes more data than our conscious mind, so while we think we are considering 3-4…
Read MoreWhy it’s all about the benefits: features work, benefits sell ❗️(1/5)
Nobody has ever bought a Coca-Cola because it is carbonated, dark, sweet, liquid, made from a mix of flavors, has a red and white logo, or is sold in over 200 countries. People buy Coca-Cola because it is refreshing, tasty, and has a popular or nostalgic appeal. People buy Coca-Cola because of its benefits. And…
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