Every business has a business culture: what is yours?

Business culture is not optional.  Like gravity or photosynthesis, whether or not you acknowledge it, it is there.  The question is never: do we have a company culture; the question is always: do we have a good company culture or a damaging company culture? And if it’s going to happen anyway, you may as well…

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Be the person you want your employees to be

Leading by example.  We all think we do it. But few people take deliberate steps to ensure this is true.  The best descriptions of how to “lead by example” are the ones that create visuals: Model the behavior you want to see Create a picture of what is possible.  Leading by example isn’t about what…

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Why your employees want to know your mission statement

How do your employees know why they do the things that do? How do you know why your employees do the things that they do? Are you giving them a good direction about where you want their work to take the business? Employees join a company to use their skills in a valuable way. But…

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Rebecca G. Brizi joins “How’s Your ePresence?” with Mark Galvin

Mark and I had a terrific chat for his podcast How’s Your ePresence. We covered it all: Why strategizing upstream will make marketing more effective What does it mean to bring diversity of thought into the workplace Let’s re-frame how we “fail” and “succeed” How does consistency make a business more effective See the video…

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How To Balance Strategy And Culture

This blog is first and foremost about business strategy.  To create loyal customers, to nurture dedicated employees, to manage the business process, all comes down to a solid strategy. Within that strategy, some things are written in pen, and some things are written in pencil.  Company culture is written in pen.  And is written well…

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Branding: Personal or Business

What are you branding when you brand your business? Is it the product? Is it the culture? Or is it you personally? Yes, yes, and yes.  There are degrees to branding: all of what I mention above deserves separate consideration in terms of branding.  When you are a small business owner, it starts at the…

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Effective Efficiency

We all want to be effective, and we all want to be efficient. Too often, these two qualities do not play well together.  To be more efficient, businesses cut resources and steps. Then, struggling to achieve results (i.e. seeing their effectiveness decrease), they throw money or time at the quickest fix available.  It is the…

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Why Ask Why – A Story

Making the right decision is never easy. One of the things that makes it difficult is that we so often are fixing the wrong problem.  Once a business problem becomes obvious to us, it has been through various stages of development. If we try to solve only the problem that we see, we risk solving…

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Business Values: Management Starts Before You Hire

It is the eternal dilemma of the manager or business owner: how to manage people with inspiration, leadership, and motivation, still maintaining a results-driven approach? Of course you want to nurture your team, let people develop their strengths, create a job they will enjoy, and more. But not to the detriment of meeting targets. How…

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Change Something Today

Last January I talked about new year’s habits as an option to new year’s resolutions: New year’s resolutions are list items we can start to forget by about mid-February. New year’s goals are targets we can miss and return to for the first six months of the year. New year’s habits, however, are a structured…

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