Posts Tagged ‘change management’
Innovation happens when you think inside the box: start with the everyday
Innovation happens when you are good at something you do… and then you do it a little bit better. Innovation matters because it ensures that you are always doing things in the best possible way. “Innovation is about tweaking systems that are already faring well”, according to Business News Daily. It’s the little changes you…
Read MoreHow to stay busy without losing your mind
A client recently told me that his favorite thing about working with me was the accountability it gave him. We created a new management plan, rolled it out to his employees, and then structured his management meetings. While he enjoyed all this work, the knowledge of upcoming meetings with me, and knowing that the work…
Read MoreWhy you should stop trying to be better
It’s a little bit like trying to be perfect. Trying to be better does not add value. But wait: doesn’t better mean an improvement? Wouldn’t that automatically add value? Yes and no. Better is comparative to a previous version or an outside influence. Value is, remains, will always be, about the client. Better and best…
Read MoreThe quick & easy definition of management
And does a business really need it? “Management” and “managers”? Yes and no. A business can choose to ignore the word and all its derivations. But the truth is that “management” is happening anyway, whether intentional or not. So you may as well make it good. What does it mean The problem with asking questions…
Read MoreThe things in your business that you can’t control
In business, you have to focus on the things you can control. Things like knowing how to pass the so what test, and creating systems for your three business pillars. In part because your business will always be open to things that you can’t control. Those sudden surprises, whether good or bad. External surprises There…
Read MoreHow to make your business pass the So What test?
New year, new you, new resolutions, new goals. But all in the service of what, exactly? As you start the new year – or any new day – make sure you know why you do the things you do and why others should take interest. Make sure your business passes the so what test. What…
Read MoreThe two things that need to change
The new calendar year is around the corner. For many business owners, this means new plans, new goals, and new strategies. It means change. But change is not a light switch you turn on the morning of Jan 1. Change is a process. How does change happen Change is hard. People are used to doing…
Read MoreHow To Be (and not be) Innovative in Business
Your clients like what you offer. And you want to keep it that way. But then, suddenly, your competitor metaphorically drives by in a shiny new vehicle with apps and features you had never considered. And now you also want that metaphorical new car. How not to be innovative So you start developing your product…
Read MoreWhere do you get your best ideas?
A global pandemic is a rare and unusual form of disruption. Although the whole point is that we never see it coming. Disruption comes from unexpected places, and even hindsight is often short-sighted on learning its lessons. Let’s walk through three lessons from three highly disruptive episodes of recent business generations. Disruption story one: Uber…
Read MoreHow to plan to be spontaneous
“The last thing I want for my business is a plan or a process. I need my people to be spontaneous and adaptable”. This is an actual quote from a business owner who is terrified of turning his employees into automatons. His fear is valid: at what point is too much instruction removing any capability…
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