Managing Customer Expectations: A Roadmap to Success. (The Worksheet)

You’re stuck in traffic, inching forward without any idea why. The wait feels endless and frustrating. What on earth is all this for?

Then you see it: construction up ahead. Well, now it all makes sense. 

Now put this in a business context: you are the construction and your client is stuck in line. But they don’t know why. 

In business, mystery isn’t welcome, especially with money involved.

The invisible work

Of course you are busy even when your clients don’t see you.
There is all the “behind the scenes” work that you do to provide your service. 

The research, the planning, the building, the doing. 

The problem is: it is, in fact, “behind the scenes”. 

Meaning your clients don’t see it happening

And so they don’t know that it is happening. 

The visible surprises

Then you turn up again asking them for new information, or a meeting, or an opinion, or a review. 

It might interrupt their day and make them feel rushed. 

Don’t surprise your customers. Not like this. 

Managed expectations

Instead: let your clients in. 

Explain what will be expected of them, and explain what you are doing that they can’t see. 

  1. Communicate clearly
  2. Set simple expectations
  3. Share a customer roadmap

Use this week’s worksheet to build the steps that go into delivering your service. Then build a shareable version that you include with every new project. 

When clients understand the process and feel informed, their trust in your service grows.

What next

Business strategy is the foundation of your company’s success. Build your values, goals, and processes: contact me today to get started. 

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