Tough Talks With Employees: Question Your Way to Resolution. (The Worksheet)

Last week we agreed that your relationship with an employee is give & take:

They contribute skill, talent, and motivation. 

You contribute structure, direction, and resources. 

But things still happen. Even great employees sometimes make mistakes. 

Especially if you encourage innovation and creativity at work, which you should.

What now?

The tough conversations

At first you are frustrated and annoyed. 

But you don’t like confrontation and you don’t want to demoralize your team.

And despite all this, you still have to correct the error. 

So make your employees do it all on their own. 

Become constructive conversations

Don’t start monologuing with a list of everything that went wrong. 

Instead: ask questions. 

Because you may not know it all, in this case. 

You should give your employees a chance to explain their thinking. 

Let them solve their own problems

Use this week’s worksheet to prepare for the tough conversations with your employees. 

  • Talk to them, don’t accuse them
  • Allow them to explain so they don’t get defensive
  • Let them come up with their own solution

We absorb more of what we learn through experience, than what is simply told to us. Allow your employees to self-assess and problem-solve. Allow them to grow.

What next

Your employees deserve to be heard. Use an interactive workshop to gather feedback and inspire motivation. Contact me to learn about options.