Employee Engagement Starts with Clear Communication. (The Worksheet)

Do your employees understand your emails?

What about your conversations? Do they always do exactly what you expect?

Do they ever ask you questions that you have already answered? More than once? 

Do your instructions sound too much like last week’s recipe example?

What are you saying

It’s not just your clients and prospects who have to understand your message.

Your employees do too. 

And that may seem easy: you all work in the same business, so of course you all share the same jargon. 

But what about sharing the same thoughts? That is much harder. 

What are they hearing

People will use the same word in different ways. And a single word can have different meanings. 

If you ask an employee to do something “quickly”, do they know if you mean within an hour or within a day? 

If you tell your employees to act “professional” do they know if you mean serious and informed or friendly and helpful? 

If you tell your employees to fetch you something that is green, do they all bring you the same shade of green?

Communicate with clarity

Get the basics down first: what is “good” at your company? 

This week’s worksheet has you describe 3 essential components of effective work: 

  • good business, 
  • good communication, 
  • and good results. 

Learn to be specific with your employees.

What next

Need to rework how you instruct your employees? Book a 2-hour, $900 workshop now