Keep Your Clients in the Loop: A Communication Toolkit. (The Worksheet)

Olaf: Who’s the funky-looking donkey over there?

Anna: That’s Sven. 

Olaf: Uh-huh, and who’s the reindeer?

Anna: Sven. [source]

Don’t end up calling your clients by their pets’ names. 

Communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. Especially when it comes to change. 

Let them know what

Let your clients know if your business is changing. And let them know early. 

Everyone loves a good idea. 

But when it comes to implementing change, things can get bumpy. 

New systems, new processes, new habits – it is a lot to ask of your clients. 

They want their experience to be smooth and easy. So make the change smooth and easy for them. 

Let them know why

What’s in it for them?

That’s what they want to know. 

Show them the big picture, and then have a conversation. 

Ask them how they think they might be affected and what they would like to achieve. 

Work to make your change align with their goals. 

Let them know how

Then simply and clearly explain what will happen.

This week’s worksheet is your preparation for this conversation, and also a hand-out you can leave with clients with all the relevant information for them. 

What next

Need to prepare a change management announcement for your team? Let’s talk about a planning session and a presentation to gather feedback from employees. 

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