Why you should stop having performance reviews

The annual performance review.  Every employee’s favorite moment of their favorite day. They prepare for it, they celebrate it, they wait all year or all quarter for this fun, exciting, stimulating moment— Clearly: I am joking.  Nobody likes performance reviews, neither employees nor employers.  So let’s stop doing them.  Let’s have Stay Interviews instead.  What…

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The two things that need to change

The new calendar year is around the corner. For many business owners, this means new plans, new goals, and new strategies. It means change.  But change is not a light switch you turn on the morning of Jan 1.  Change is a process.  How does change happen Change is hard. People are used to doing…

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New Course Certifications

I am delighted to have received additional certification approvals for my courses on CPDFormula, a Canadian based platform for CPA training. You can now receive CPA and HR certification credits while you learn about: How to run better meetings How to make business decisions How to create an excellent customer service experience

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Why You Need To Be Loud … Remotely

Working from home, remote working, staying at home while trying to work… whatever you call it, some version of the home office is probably here to stay.  When you were at the office, you were physically present and could be seen at your desk, in meetings, and doing all the work things.  Now your presence…

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How To Run A New Team Meeting

After my recent series on internal business meetings, a reader asked me for advice on running a first, team-wide meeting.  This reader has a growing business and decided to start team-wide meetings from the new year, and his question is, quite simply: “Where do I start? How should I run my first and subsequent team…

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How To Write Your Meeting Agenda

Photo by Alice Achterhof on Unsplash

What are meetings? Meetings are about multiple people contributing to an idea, a question, or a decision.  Once you have determined your meeting topic and structure, you get everyone to the table… and then what? How do you make sure the conversation stays on topic, and that everybody is able to share new ideas? Enter:…

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What is a meeting

I would never write about what a thing is not, without clarifying what the thing is. Meetings are where information goes to grow.  Bringing two or more minds together is about producing a new idea that one mind on its own would not be able to create.  At the end of every meeting, each participant…

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What is (not) a meeting

Meetings: you can’t live with them, you can’t live without them, and you can barely live through most of them.  It saddens me that meetings have such a bad reputation these days, because they should be one of your most effective business tools. But meetings have been abused and overused for so long.  There has…

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