What you don’t know about… Storytelling 📖

Over the last couple of weeks, we learned about how powerful visuals are in conveying information.
On the other hand: what information are we conveying?
Small businesses want to talk about what they do and how they do it, but is that what people want to hear?
Let’s find out from the expert: Anita Henderson, author coach for business professionals with Write Your Life.

Why stories?

There’s more to sales than selling, as many of you know.
A list of features and facts is a sales pitch (and not a great one).
A story with a protagonist and a tale of transformation is an experience.
“Your audience — whether for your book, your speech, your podcast, or your blog — might not remember your 5-step process or the fancy name you call your packages. But they *will* remember the stories you tell about how you transform lives”.
Which stories?
Leave your idea of “sales” aside for a moment.
“Nobody wants to be sold to”, but you do want your message to get across.
“What better way to do that than with stories?”
So tell the stories that will matter to your audience: how change is possible, how their lives can be improved, and how others have managed it, and so can they.
“When companies resist the temptation to sell to prospects, and instead tell stories, the magic happens”.
What do stories do?
People connect with stories, not spreadsheets.
Make people want to buy from you, by telling them “the transformative case story, the impactful “mistakes to avoid story,” or the emotional “who would’ve thunk it?” story.
What next
Work with me to hone your value proposition down to a single core idea. Then work with Anita to turn that core idea into the “types of stories to explain your product or service, and leave the selling for another time”.
And check out Anita’s latest book: Becoming the Minimalist Entrepreneur.