What you don’t know about… Translation 🔡

Translation is easy these days.  Google Translate can handle it. You’ll get an instantaneous result and you will understand what you’re reading. On the other hand…  We have all had the chance to laugh at a bad translation on a menu.  And as long as it’s just a menu, no big deal. But what if…

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What you don’t know about… Online Presence 🖥️

Just start

Pretend you own a store.  And your business runs from that store.  After you get a space, you put your name on the door, and then you go work from home. It seems like a huge waste of resources, right? If you’re not actively managing your online presence, you’re doing just that. I learned this…

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What you don’t know about… Hiring Risks 🤪

Hiring employees.  It’s risky business. It’s also necessary. Knowing the risks of hiring makes you less likely to run into them. This is why I spoke with Charlotte Merritt. Charlotte works at Insperity and her mission is to reduce employee turnover.  “​​Each time you hire – whether to backfill or grow, you are opening yourself…

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What you don’t know about… Contracts 📜

… all things that are probably on your mind when you go speak to your attorney about your commercial contracts.  And yet, that is not what most disputes are about.  Why legal disputes happen “Most contract disputes revolve around essential business terms such as scope, payment, delivery, and change management”.  So explains Tanya Osensky, of…

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What you don’t know about… everything 🤷

Your business does not exist in isolation.  The needs of a small business take a village… nay, a whole city. Every small business needs a small business service provider to complete its needs.  And they, in turn, need small business service providers, and so on…  The business services you need My role with my small…

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Why PR Loves a Happy Home: Strong Branding and Culture (8/8) 🔊

A strong brand, a great culture, wonderful people, and offering true value are all vital.  And so is telling the world.  Especially now that you have so much to share.  Enter messaging.  And to learn more about that, I spoke to the founder of SowGrow PR, the always insightful Stephanie Richards.  What messaging is Where…

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It’s Time To Deliver: the Official Meeting of Brand and Value (7/8)🎁

All of the best branding, values, and employees, will eventually come together in your final product.  What you do for the client.  How you improve your client’s life.  You explain all that in your value proposition. If your brand is the promise you make, your value proposition is the product you offer.  Value proposition Value…

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It’s much more than a logo: Branding ABCs (or act, be, see) (4/8) 🎨

We have talked about your competitive positioning and how important that is to your brand.  We have talked about your company culture and how important that is to your brand.  It’s time to talk about “brand”: what is branding, after all? To answer that question, I would like to thank the wonderful Kriston Sellier, founder…

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