Laser Focus, Bigger Profits: The Power of Niche. (The Worksheet)

Unique Value Proposition

Every small business needs management consulting.  But not every small business is a good fit for my management consulting. Much like not every animal with four legs is a cat.  Many small businesses worry about being too specific – too niche – in their market, for fear of losing business to competitors.  To quote the…

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What you still don’t know about… Contracts 🗂️

A few weeks ago we found that the scope of your work is the most important thing in your contracts. In a conversation following that post, a new question arose: once I’ve written one contract, I can copy and paste my scope into all the standard templates, right? Wrong.  “Contracts are not all the same,…

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What you don’t know about… Translation 🔡

Translation is easy these days.  Google Translate can handle it. You’ll get an instantaneous result and you will understand what you’re reading. On the other hand…  We have all had the chance to laugh at a bad translation on a menu.  And as long as it’s just a menu, no big deal. But what if…

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What you don’t know about… Hiring Risks 🤪

Hiring employees.  It’s risky business. It’s also necessary. Knowing the risks of hiring makes you less likely to run into them. This is why I spoke with Charlotte Merritt. Charlotte works at Insperity and her mission is to reduce employee turnover.  “​​Each time you hire – whether to backfill or grow, you are opening yourself…

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Suddenly, your clients change their mind 🤷🏻‍♀️  (4/4)

Sometimes, your competition is your clients themselves.  And how they make decisions.  Because, of course, they can change their mind completely and not buy from you OR your competitors.  Replacements Your client’s life keeps happening around and beside and before and after their need for you.  In other words: you are not the only thing…

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How are you not like the business exactly like you 🔁 (2/4)

Unique Value Proposition

No two businesses are the same. People who offer the same product or service as you aren’t exactly like you.  With last week’s post, you defined your business in various ways.  Now it’s time to take that to market and see how it works alongside other businesses that do what you do.  Who are your…

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Why you should stop having performance reviews

The annual performance review.  Every employee’s favorite moment of their favorite day. They prepare for it, they celebrate it, they wait all year or all quarter for this fun, exciting, stimulating moment— Clearly: I am joking.  Nobody likes performance reviews, neither employees nor employers.  So let’s stop doing them.  Let’s have Stay Interviews instead.  What…

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