Feed The Soil, Not The Plant. (The Worksheet)

Having a great place to work makes people want to work there.  –> And when they want to work there, they show up happy.  —-> And when they show up happy, they do great work.  Make your business a great place to work.  And no: Friday pizzas and holiday parties won’t do it. Not on…

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It’s much more than a logo: Branding ABCs (or act, be, see) (4/8) 🎨

We have talked about your competitive positioning and how important that is to your brand.  We have talked about your company culture and how important that is to your brand.  It’s time to talk about “brand”: what is branding, after all? To answer that question, I would like to thank the wonderful Kriston Sellier, founder…

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Branding from Within: The Reasons of Mission and Values(3/8) 🎇

R G Brizi Business Consulting

We all agree that your business has a brand.  And we all agree that your brand must reflect your culture.  So… what is your culture?  It is not enough to say “good”, “bad”, “friendly”, or “serious”. If you want your brand to be a true reflection of your culture, you have to define it clearly. …

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Are you building a culture of innovation in the workplace? 🔣(4/6)

I want all my clients to be great managers. All my clients want to be great managers. And that means that they know the difference between managing and micromanaging. In short: It’s not about being hands-off, but rather finding that sweet spot where your team feels supported, yet challenged to push the boundaries. The boundaries…

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Finding the Force: Continuous Improvement and Meeting Goals 🆕 (1/6)

A critical part of business planning is preparing for things to change. The better you can control that change, the easier it will be. How do you control change? Use a mission statement.  It’s easy to innovate with a great mission statement. Stay on mission A good mission statement guides your employees. It guides their…

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Three ways to understand your clients better 🧐 (2/6)

There is only one way to offer a great customer experience: to understand your clients.  I mean really understand them. Not as a general category, or a demographic. Understand them as people and individuals, even when you tackle them as a group.  How do you do that? What does it mean to understand your clients?…

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