House of Gucci – Lesson
House of Gucci, by Sara Gay Forden, is a book telling the story of the Gucci family, brand, and business.
This is neither a review nor a re-telling, there will be no spoilers here. This is a key lesson from the book.
And, surprisingly, it is not specifically about the dangers of a family-run business. Though it is a problem often found in family run businesses.
The lesson is: the role of Accountability.
Running your business means making hundreds of decisions, every single day. And plenty of people will gladly tell you you are wrong about many of them.
While you should always ignore people who put you down, you should listen to people who question you. There is a difference between a negativity and curiosity.
Stay connected to the people who aren’t afraid to ask you questions, and whose opinion you can value and trust. You should always be able to answer questions about your business, after all.