Buying Triggers

Have you every asked yourself why your new clients buy from you? I don’t mean from you specifically, I mean what has prompted them to buy at all? In almost all cases, buying something is a burden. It is an interruption of one’s productivity, work or leisure time. Before a prospect even has a chance…

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Do you Push or Do Buyers Pull? (Less selling more buying)

How many times have you walked into a store thinking “I hope nobody tries to sell to me, I know what I want to buy so let me get it, pay, and leave.”? Your clients are no different: they will be much happier if they are doing the buying – the pulling – rather than…

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Status Quo – Your Main Competition

A lot of people are vying for your clients’ attention. As you strive to stand out from all the competition it is important to remember one thing: they can always do nothing. Buying Triggers Unless a client is responding to catastrophic change, buying remains an option, not an obligation. There are various reasons a client…

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Why Saving Time Isn’t Enough

Over the past couple of months I have had several conversations about whether “saving time” should be central to a value proposition. The answer is yes, and no, and is worth addressing here. For a business to business company, “Saving Time” and its non-identical twin brother “Saving Money” are both essential benefits of any product…

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The Three Clients of B2B Sales

Take a business that sells to other businesses (B2B, or business-to-business). Ask any three employees who their clients are; chances are you will receive three different answers. And, most likely, all three are correct. How to increase sales from enterprise clients? This questions rose recently on an online small business forum, from a provider of…

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The Buyer’s Pyramid

What makes a buyer ready to buy? How severe is a pain before the buyer will depart with funds to acquire your product or service? As I have said before: status quo should be on your list of competitors. Sometimes the alternative is more daunting than whatever system is in place at the moment, and the…

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White Paper vs. eBook

Another form of content you can share with prospects and clients is an eBook. Growing in popularity as a business tool, eBooks are another opportunity to bridge the formality gap between a White Paper and a Case Study. But how do White Papers and eBooks differ? White Papers First and foremost: white papers are not about…

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Make Buying Easy

Sales is about Buying – this much we have discussed. A big part of making it easy for people to buy from you is the right educational content. “Educational” means it imparts knowledge that is helpful to the recipient. It is, in other words, solution-focused information, rather than brand-focused. You want to be ready for…

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Sales is about Buying

Business success is not determined by how much you sell: it’s determined by how much your clients buy. Enter: the Buying Cycle. The more you allow your clients to buy, rather than trying to sell, then the easier it will be for them to buy, the more sales you will close, the more willingly people…

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