Loyal Customers
Defining your Market Opportunity
One of the principal reasons new businesses fail is a lack of market opportunity. To prevent this, simply define that opportunity and position your product or service accordingly. Except, of course, that it is not a simple task. While the exercise itself is a straightforward one, fulfilling it is complicated as it requires a business owner…
Read MoreWhite Paper vs. eBook
Another form of content you can share with prospects and clients is an eBook. Growing in popularity as a business tool, eBooks are another opportunity to bridge the formality gap between a White Paper and a Case Study. But how do White Papers and eBooks differ? White Papers First and foremost: white papers are not about…
Read MoreMake Buying Easy
Sales is about Buying – this much we have discussed. A big part of making it easy for people to buy from you is the right educational content. “Educational” means it imparts knowledge that is helpful to the recipient. It is, in other words, solution-focused information, rather than brand-focused. You want to be ready for…
Read MoreSales is about Buying
Business success is not determined by how much you sell: it’s determined by how much your clients buy. Enter: the Buying Cycle. The more you allow your clients to buy, rather than trying to sell, then the easier it will be for them to buy, the more sales you will close, the more willingly people…
Read MoreStart With a Problem
A successful business starts with a problem. “I’m going to create the next Facebook!” is not a business plan. If you’re starting with a solution you are not helping anybody. Have you had a problem? What is a pain that you have felt and not been able to alleviate? You had to create your own…
Read MoreIt’s Not Me, It’s You
You have heard me say this before, it’s a bit of a business mantra with me. Not my mantra: yours. Your business success will be determined by the people buying your product or service (buying is more important than selling, more on this in a future post), so make your decisions all about them: the…
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