Harmony During the Holidays: Work and Life as a Unified Responsibility. (The Worksheet)

The holiday season can be a challenging time for business owners.
When you’re focused on your business, you feel guilty for neglecting personal moments. When you prioritize personal time, work responsibilities can weigh on your mind. Ruining both your work time and your personal time.
It shouldn’t be this way.
Rethinking Balance
The biggest problem with “work-life balance” is the name: “work-life balance”.
It suggests a conflict between work and personal life. It makes them opposing forces vying for your attention.
That is not reality.
Work is one part of life.
By viewing work as one of many elements—alongside family, health, hobbies, and more—you can begin to see life as a cohesive whole.
Creating Harmony
Once you adopt this perspective, achieving harmony among the different facets of your life becomes easier.
Understand how much attention each part of your life requires and deserves. Then you can make informed decisions that nurture all areas.
You allocate time and energy to each aspect without feeling like you’re neglecting others.
Start with Self-Reflection
Begin by identifying what matters most to you in each area of your life.
Use this week’s worksheet to explore your roles: as a business owner, boss, spouse, friend, parent, teammate, and more.
You’ll notice common personality traits across these roles, as well as some differences. The differences are normal—each role operates in its unique context. The key is ensuring these differences don’t create conflicts between your roles.
Life is not about choosing sides; it’s about integrating all parts into a fulfilling whole.
What Next
I recommend this exercise in my online course on finding work-life balance. Sign up here for the full course.